Boycotts We Support
Continuing boycotts -- 1
From: Professor Rick Halperin
Aug. 16
By executing Mexican citizen Javiar Suarez Medina on August 14, 2002,
in violation of international law, Texas has shown itself to be a rogue
state of the highest order. This execution was protested by Mexico,
13 other nations, the U.N. Human Rights Commission and many human rights
organizations such as Amnesty International. It could have been stopped
by the Governor of Texas, the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles, the Texas
Court of Criminal Appeals and several federal courts. However, no individual
or court believed that international law was important enough to stop the
Medina's execution should and will have ramifications. Already
the President of Mexico has cancelled his upcoming visit to Texas.
Other nations could very well be reluctant to honor the human rights of U.S. citizens traveling abroad. Ultimately, trade and other international activities may be affected. What moral person, organization or
nation would want to do business with a rogue state?
The Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty calls on individuals
and organizations both in the United States and in other nations to enact
a total boycott of Texas. The state has executed 277 people since the death
penalty was resumed in 1982 and has approximately 450 people on its death
row, including many foreign nationals. The state has previously broken
international law by executing other foreign nationals and juvenile offenders.
The state has executed people with severe mental disabilities and those
who were victims of poor legal representation. Approximately 42%
of the people on Texas' death row are African-American, yet they comprise
only 12% of the state's population. Texas seems to have bloodlust
beyond the pale.
If you as an individual or your organization are willing to join this
boycott of Texas, please contact the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, 3400 Montrose Blvd., Suite 312, Houston, TX 77006 or email
us at the following address:
. We can also be reached by telephone by calling 713-520-0300.
Ladies and gentlemen, African Information Service Center wishes to
call your attention to the unbecoming attitude of the moderator of the
Africadaily3 listserv. For many months the group has been notorious at
sending out nude pictures, porn, worm and virus at that time, we were still
supporting his or her services.
Recently he carried out major changes in the group, during which he
banned many of us sending information that is beneficial to Africans. It
is, therefore, easy to know what the intention of his group is.
At the dawn of a new beginning we will be exposing fifth columnist hiding
under the guise of Africa to torment, impoverish, starve, dictate, enslave
and still the thoughts of people committed to liberating African people
no matter where they are or whoever they are.
He continues sending mail to our account while he blocks any mail going
to his account. This is FRAUD and we will fight it to a conclusive end.
We are therefore calling on decent African citizens, committed liberals,
democrats, lovers of freedom to henceforth to unsubscribe from AFRICADAILY3
Best regards
AISC - <>
Independent. 14 June 2002. Starbucks-the target of Arab boycott for
its growing links to Israel.
BEIRUT -- Across five Arab states a new and closely co-ordinated campaign to boycott American goods is being launched, with Starbucks coffee shops their primary target, but with Nestle, Coca-Cola, Johnson
& Johnson and Burger King outlets also on the list.
In Beirut today, activists will be leafleting outside the city's four Starbucks shops, detailing the pro-Israeli sentiments of its chief executive, Howard Shultz, and claiming he is "an active Zionist."
In 1998, Mr Shultz was awarded the "Israeli 50th Anniversary Tribute Award" from the Jerusalem Fund of Aish Ha-Torah, which is strongly critical of Yasser Arafat and insists that the occupied Palestinian territories should be described only as "disputed."
In a speech to Jewish Americans in Seattle earlier this year -- at the height of the Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon's, reoccupation
of West Bank towns -- Starbucks' top man condemned Palestinian "inaction" and announced that "the Palestinians aren't doing their job -- they're not stopping terrorism."
Gideon Meir, an Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman, complimented Mr. Shultz for helping American students to hear "Israeli presentations
on the Middle East crisis."
Starbucks operates in six other Arab countries -- Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates -- but the boycott protesters, who include both Palestinians and Muslim groups at Ein
Shams University in Egypt and the American University of Cairo, have a much wider list of companies they wish to punish for allegedly supporting Israel, not only in the Middle East but in the United States itself.
They include AOL Time Warner, Disney, Este Lauder, Nokia, Revlon, Marks & Spencer, Selfridges, and IBM. Students at Dubai University and
in the Syrian capital, Damascus, are now also liaising over their boycott plans.
"At first, it was very frustrating getting even the four boycott groups in Lebanon to work together," Amira Solh, one of the Lebanese activists, says. "We had difficulty defining whether we should target American goods or those companies that have direct relations with Israel. We really only got going the first time the Israelis laid siege to Arafat's headquarters in Ramallah. Lebanon boycotts all Israeli goods, so we started asking, 'What about those companies which help Israel directly?'
"Most Arab countries have fallen into a capitalist world that accepts American companies with close links to Israel. What we are now initiating is an economic war."
Burger King incurred Arab anger more than two years ago when it opened an outlet in an illegal Jewish settlement on the occupied West Bank.
The company initially decided to close the outlet and then -- after pro-Israeli lobby pressure in America -- apparently allowed it to reopen under a different franchise.
Nestle has bought a controlling share in the Israeli firm Osem, allowing Nestle to sell its products in Israel, including Nescafe, Perrier, Carnation, Smarties and KitKat. It is a deal which, in the words of one Israeli journalist, "provides Osem with a worldwide distribution and advertising infrastructure." In a recent report to investors, Osem-Nestle announced a four-monthly profit of $7.5m.
In Lebanon, Coca-Cola -- which runs a plant in the country -- has attempted to deflect Arab criticism by pointing out that it does not manufacture Coca-Cola in Israel and sells only imported bottles of
its products, including Fanta and Sprite, in the Jewish state.
In what was widely seen as an attempt to soften the mood of protesters, the Coca-Cola company in Lebanon has suddenly embarked on a programme
of planting cedar trees -- the national emblem -- near the town of Jezzine, south of Beirut.
Starbucks, which has 4,709 retail locations around the world, has been trying to damp down its pro-Israeli image, telling protesters who have written to the company that its chief executive, Howard Shultz, who
is himself Jewish, "does not believe the terrorism is representative of the Palestinian people."
Arab students believe the real fears of American executives are focused not on losses in the Arab world but on the danger that Arab protests will be picked up by Palestinian sympathisers in Europe and even in America itself.
Mr Shultz, who does not appear to have condemned the building of illegal Israeli settlements on occupied land, spearheaded Starbucks' entry
into the Israeli market last year with its first two coffee shops -- built through a joint venture company called Shalom Coffee Ltd -- in Tel
Aviv. By the end of this year, Starbucks plans to have a total of 20 coffee houses operating throughout Israel.
Mr Shultz is a regular visitor to Israel and one of many personalities who have been brought to Jerusalem as a guest of the Theodor Herzl mission, at whose gala dinner is held an award ceremony of the Friends of Zion to honour those "who have played key roles in promoting close alliance between the United States and Israel."
Others who have travelled on the Theodor Herzl mission include Baroness
Margaret Thatcher, Newt Gingrich, the US Speaker of the House, and the former
US governor Tom Ridge -- now the head of "Homeland Security."
Companies throughout America actually pay a Jewish Tax, please boycott Jun 9, 2002
Major food companies throughout America actually pay a Jewish Tax amounting
to hundreds of million of dollars per year in order to receive protection.
This hidden tax gets passed, of course, to all non-Jewish consumers
of the products. The scam is to coerce the companies to pay up or suffer
the consequences of a Jewish boycott. Jewish consumers have learned not
to buy any kitchen product that does not have the (U) the (K) and other
similar markings.
Another shocker was learning who is actually behind these sophisticated "Kosher Nostra Scams." It turns out that the perpetrators of these
elaborate extortion schemes are actually Rabbinical Councils that are set up,
not just in the U.S. but in other western countries as well. For example, the
largest payola operation in the U.S. is run by those who license the (U) symbol.
The (U) symbol provides protection for many products sold here in Aztlan
and in the United States. This symbol is managed by The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations with headquarters at 333 Seventh Avenue in New
York City.
The scam works like a well-oiled machine and is now generating vast
amounts of funds, some of which are being utilized by the Union of Orthodox
Rabbis to support the Ariel Sharon Zionist government in Israel. The website
of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations is full of pro-Israel and anti-Palestinian
The "Kosher Nostra" protection racket starts when an Orthodox Rabbi approaches a company to warn the owners that unless their product is certified as kosher, or "fit for a Jew to eat," they will face a boycott
by every Jew in America. Most, if not all of the food companies, succumb
to the blackmail because of fear of the Jewish dominated media and a boycott
that may eventually culminate in bankruptcy. Also, the food companies know
that the cost can be passed on to the consumer anyway. The food companies
have kept secret from the general consumer the meaning of the (U) and the
amount of money they have to pay the Jewish Rabbis.
It is estimated that the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, which manages the (U) symbol protection racket, controls about 85% of the
"Kosher Nostra " certification business. They now employ about 1200 Rabbi agents
that are spread through out the U.S. Food companies must first pay an exorbitant application fee and than a large annual fee for the use of the (U)
copyright symbol. Secondly, the companies must pay separate fees each time a
team of Rabbis shows up to "inspect" the company's operations.
Certain food companies are required to hire Rabbis full time at very
lucrative salaries. The amount of money that the non-Jewish consumer has
paid the food companies to make up for the hidden Jewish Tax is unknown,
but it is estimated to be in the billions since the scam first started.
The Orthodox Jewish Councils as well as the food companies keep the amount
of the fees very secret. The Jewish owned Wall Street Journal wrote
about the problem many years ago, but they have stopped writing about it
Only public awareness concerning the "Kosher Nostra Scam" will eventually
help stop this swindle of the American consumer. Public education of the
scam may lead to an eventual non-Jewish boycott of all products with the
(U), (K) or other Jewish protection symbols. I certainly do not need to
pay extra for"kosher water", "kosher coffee" or "kosher plastic sandwich
In fact, I demand my money back for all the money I had to pay over
the years for the hidden and illegal Jewish Tax. Are there any bright attorneys
out there that could bring a class action suit against the Union of Orthodox
Jewish Congregations on behalf of the citizens of Aztlan and other
non-Jewish people?
Look at a couple of boxes and you will find the "U" symbol, which by
the way is copyrighted. The certification process is done by the Orthodox
Union of Jewish Congregations of America, check the website below which
directly deals with the issue, especially the "certification process" in
the Q&A section of the site.
Below is a list of some of the companies which currently hold the certification:
Alberto-Culver, American Home Foods, Armour Foods, Best Foods Baking, Borden Foods, Chock Full O' Nuts, Coca Cola, Colgate Palmolive, Dannon,
Dow Chemicals, Drake Bakeries, Durkee, Elite, Empire Kosher, Entenmann's,
General Mills, Green Giant, Haagen Dazs, Hershey's, Hiram Walker, Slim Fast,
J.M. Smucker, Kraft, Land O' Lakes, Lever Bros., Manischewitz, McCormick
& Co., Nabisco, Nestle's, Nutrasweet, Pepperidge Farm, Pillsbury, Proctor
& Gamble, Sara Lee Bakery, Starkist, Thomas J. Lipton Tea Co., Van
Camp Seafood, Welch, White Rock, 3M Corp... and many more.
To find multinational corporations in order to contact them, go to
and enter the corporate name. Advise them you will not buy their products
until they stop supporting the Zionist government, the government that is
carrying out the agenda of the Illuminati.
Iman was her name; 4 months old in May 2001.
Several weeks ago I received this with Arabic captions on the pictures.
It was just as horrifying then. No words were needed. The picture speaks
for itself.
Salaam. Shalom.
- First they arrest Moh'd Saleh, a Plastinian aged 23. So far nothing is wrong
with the picture!!
Then they pin Moh'd on the
floor suspecting he had bombs attached to him. Still nothing out of
the ordinary?
They have him on the floor
still, and they try to question a second Plastinian on the scene. They
seem to have definitely overpowered him and have full control over the situation.
That's not enough? OK!!
Now they have to strip him to make sure he doesn't really have any bombs
on him. AS we can see he is almost naked on the floor, (at least they
had the decency to keep his underwear on), he is obviously overpowered and
unarmed, there is no sign of a bomb or any resistant. So what would
a democratic country such as Israel, a county which claims to respect human
dignity and life do??? Take him to prison??
The picture speaks for itself!?!
The least you can do while sitting in the comfort of your home is forward
this file to as many people as possible especially westerners so they can
have a glimpse of what Palestinians endure!!
P.O. Box 14954, Cincinnati, Ohio 45250-0954
Reverend James W. Jones, Chair
Reverend Stephen Scott, Vice-Chair
Press Release
Suit threatened against the Coalition for a Just Cincinnati:
Earlier today, the Cincinnati Arts Association delivered a letter to the
Coalition for a Just
Cincinnati, threatening to sue the organization and the individuals who
have led a boycott of Cincinnati. This letter is attached to this press release
on the following pages.
The Coalition for a Just Cincinnati began an "Artists of Conscience" campaign
in January 2002, asking entertainers, musicians and other performers not
to come to Cincinnati to perform. See:
Boycott Shell Oil.
Do what the Republicans do in Congress since they have run the Congress
since 1995, namely they cut off money and hurt people in many areas
and make people do what they want in order to get welfare money, or
any kind of money.
We can do that in the private sector and legally strong arm the Republicans.
I'm telling people to focus the boycott of Republican contributors on the
Shell Oil company.
Do not buy any Shell Gasoline, or oil products and do not have your car
repaired at a Shell Station.
Demand a liberal agenda of the Shell Oil Corporation and the Republican
led House and the Democratic led Senate.
Your money talks louder than standing on the streets and shouting unfair.
Just close your wallet from your living room to the Shell Oil Corporation.
Click on this link to compose email to Shell with a carbon copy to me.
Tell them you won't buy from them again and you will tell others not to
buy from them again until they relay and lobby for your liberal agenda
in Congress until your liberal agenda gets signed into law.
If they deny they give money to the Republican Party tell them about their
contribution records of their PACS on and besides even
they did not give money to the Republican Party which they have, why should
companies sit by and let the Republicans do damage to our country.
Some suggestions for your agenda.
I Demand that your company and your PACs stop giving money to
the Republican Party.
I Demand Universal Healthcare as a minimum for every US Citizen.
I Demand a higher minimum wage of $10 an hour.
Editor's note: See 1st edition of The Journal of History for the same precise
I Demand a drug prescription benefit at no extra cost in Medicare.
I Demand that my local HMO rescind their latest outrageous premium increase.
I Demand a patients bill of rights including the right to sue an HMO.
I Demand a universal voting system providing equal protection under the
law for the United States.
I Demand Federal legislation prohibiting states from using private companies
processing voter rolls tied to a political party and police roadblocks from
getting used as a voter suppression tool on election day.
I Demand that the illegitimate pResident George W Bush and his vice pResident
Dick Cheney resign from office for the fraudulent actions taken by them and
their campaign in order to win the 2000 presidential election.
I Demand a strong Federal Hate Crimes Law.
I Demand the repeal of the 1996 Welfare Law and to pass a Federal Welfare
Law that treats those indigent with dignity and respect.
I have other demands that I will communicate to you in the future.
I will no longer do business with you until these demands get met by the
US Congress and signed by the President.
Thank you
Dennis Baer
Are you sick of corporate globalization and all the environmental
destruction, poverty and injustice it is creating? Sick of undemocratic
Trade agreements like NAFTA, WTO and FTAA being rammed down your throat?
you ready to stand up to the system of global destruction that put the
interests of corporate elites ahead of local communities, workers, farmers,
the environment and democratic decision-making? Well, then it sounds like
are ready to go for the jugular of the corporate global economy - and take
on the world's most destructive bank - CITIGROUP. Send Citi and the
rest of
those corporate cronies a message they won't forget - tell them our planet
is not for sale!
People all around the world have been uniting to confront Citigroup, the
world’s largest financial institution. Made up of Citibank, Wall Street
investment giant Salomon Smith Barney, CitiFinancial and Traveler's
Insurance, Citigroup is a trillion dollar mega- corporation and a true
cornerstone of the corporate global economy. The campaign against
Citigroup is about raising the stakes in the battle for the planet. It
an effort to not only to confront global warming, protect forests and
support indigenous rights but also to unite a critical mass of social change
movements at an Achilles heel in the corporate power structure and address
some of the fundamental flaws in the global financial system itself.
This system, based on what Ed Abbey called "the ideology of the cancer
cell," is pathological in its very nature. It is a system defined
colonial genocide, corporate power grabs, blind consumerism and economic
growth at-all-costs that has put the interests of a small group of
corporate elites ahead of the well-being of all other life on the planet.
The corporate global economy is quite literally a doomsday machine that
eliminating biological and cultural diversity so rapidly that it is
undermining the basic life support systems of the planet. Like the cancer
cell, left to its own devices, corporate capitalism will eventually kill
host. Unless, we stop it! But to stop this assault on
the natural world,
it is essential we unmask the real power brokers of the global economy and
learn to leverage our power against giant financial corporations like
In the words of author and political scientist William Greider "The
financial realm constitutes the commanding citadel of the global system
It is this corporate financial industry (known to us laypeople as Wall
Street) made up of mega-banks like Citi that are the central architects
the global economy. The system of global destruction - resource extraction,
destructive development, structural adjustment and even the operating
budgets of the world’s biggest multinational corporations - relies on the
"generation" or flow of new capital. As the largest financial
in the world Citi is one of the key corporations controlling the flow of
money around the world. With operations in over 100 countries
Citigroup is
literally writing the rules of the global economy.
Citigroup boasts of being the preeminent bank for the forest products and
energy sectors. Translation: Citi is the number one funder of global warming
and forest destruction. From underwriting Maxxam
liquidation of the California Redwoods, to genetically engineering trees
Chilean pulp mills to converting primary rainforest to palm plantations
Indonesia Citigroup knows how to make a buck from killing a forest. As
number one funder of oil pipelines, Citi spearheaded the massive
Chad-Cameroon pipeline in the Central Africa and backed a pipeline through
Venezuela's Orinoco delta severely threatening pristine habitat and local
indigenous communities. Citi is funding the proposed OCP pipeline in Ecuador
which has sparked massive resistance across the country because it cuts
through 11 different protected rainforest reserves which local communities
depend upon for their survival. Citi is the financial advisor to Peru's
notorious Camisea project which will bring devastating oil and gas drilling
to the remote homelands of the Nahua and Kugapakori peoples. These
communities living in "voluntary isolation" in one of the most biologically
diverse ecosystems left on the planet but to Citi its just another very
profitable deal. And these are just a few examples of Citi's
Close your eyes and point to a place on the globe - Citi is sure to be
there, and their impact is rarely restricted to environmental degradation.
Citi's policies also perpetuate economic injustice, racism, institutional
sexual harassment (over 2000 women have signed on to a class action lawsuit
charging Citi with covering up systematic sexual assault in the workplace)
undermine worker's rights and subvert democratic decision making around
world. Whether its racist lending practices, prison construction,
lending in disadvantaged communities, bankrolling strikes, strangling the
global South with crippling debt payments, or buying off politicians,
Citigroup has found a way to make a tidy profit.
However unfortunately for Citi people around the world aren’t going to
tolerate their destructive practices much longer. Over the last year
thousands of activists have begun to challenge Citigroup's global
stranglehold with demonstrations, educational events and creative actions.
People are waking up and telling Citi "Not with my Money!" by cutting up
their Citi credit cards and signing pledges to never do business with "The
World's most Destructive Bank."
CITI is uniquely vulnerable to grassroots pressure because of their massive
consumer presence and efforts to promote the Citi brand name. They are
terrified that the word will get out about their destructive practices.
help organize against Citi by bringing THE PLANET IS NOT FOR SALE TOUR to
your town. It’s a great way to organize people to cut up their Citi
cards, switch their student loans, cancel their accounts and confront Citi
at their local branches!
Join with movements around the world in demanding a just, democratic and
ecologically sane global economy. which. Together we hold the
power to
demand that Citi go BEYOND THE BOTTOMLINE and stop investing in the
destruction of the environment and communities around the world. So
out Citi, here we come!
Rainforest Action Network works to protect the Earth's rainforests and
support the rights of their inhabitants through grassroots education,
organizing, and non-violent direct action.
RAN is an equal-opportunity employer. RAN does not discriminate based on
race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status,
sexual orientation, or citizenship status.
The STARC Alliance
Students Transforming and Resisting Corporations
Boycott Pictsweet Mushrooms~
Mushroom workers at Pictsweet Mushrooms in Ventura, California, have been
trying for years to win fair pay, benefits and, most of all, safe working
conditions. Conditions at Pictsweet in Ventura are cruel and dangerous. Mushroom
workers labor in dark and damp rooms. Floors are slippery. Only the lights
on their helmets guide the mushroom workers. Workers have complained that
over time the lack of proper lighting has caused their vision to deteriorate.
Because of these conditions, workers are asking customers to stop buying
Pictsweet mushrooms. Pictsweet has lost many major customers including Vons,
Safeway and Ralphs supermarkets which are honoring the workers' requests.
You can help. Pizza Hut is one of Pictsweet's largest customers and has
refused to do the right thing by keeping Pictsweet mushrooms off its pizzas
until Pictsweet signs a union contract and workers win safe and healthy jobs
and better pay.
Click on the link below now to send Pizza Hut a fax. Tell Pizza Hut to stop
buying Pictsweet mushrooms.
After you send your fax, tell your friends, family and co-workers about
this struggle for justice for Pictsweet mushroom workers.
Boycott of American products -- including McDonald's -- in Morocco.
The advertisement names a large number of United States brands, from Marlboro to McDonald's, that Moroccans are being called upon to boycott as a sign of rejection of U.S. backing of Israel in the conflict against the Palestinians.
"We, as civil society, have the duty to mobilize citizens for a cause that is ... central to us," says Hassan Serrat, a reporter from the Renewal daily newspaper.
Officials from McDonald's Morocco -- which has 16 restaurants in the country -- say the campaign will probably result in a huge loss in profits for the food chain.
Analysts say the Moroccan government is not at ease with the anti-U.S. campaign, although it does not directly intervene to put a halt to it.
The campaign seems to have a positive echo with ordinary consumers. "There are many options for U.S. products. I personally check the products before buying," said one consumer at a supermarket in downtown Rabat.
"The ultimate goal of the boycott campaign is to make U.S. companies put pressure on their government to change its policy in the Middle East," said a member of the boycott coordination committee.
The campaign echoes a mounting clamor in other Arab nations for the
of U.S. commodities.-- Distributed by HYPE, ,
List of Products from Settlements in the Occupied Territories to Boycott
Please print this list and distribute it to your friends and relatives. Hang it on billboards next to your homes, in supermarkets and in your place of work.
More importantly, browse the list when you are buying a product or looking for a service.
A penny to the settlements is a penny against peace
Agricultural products (Vegetables, Fruit and Flowers), constitute a major part settlement production. They are usually mixed with products made in Israel, so currently, locating the exact origin of such products is nearly impossible.
We want the Israeli authorities to make this distinction possible by stating clearly whether a certain product is imported from in Israel or from a settlement.
You can help a lot by writing to your store management, demanding this marking and by constantly asking the storekeeper for the exact origin of such products.
A & M Greenberg Food agency Atarot industrial zone
Abadi "Mizrahiot" Salted bagel cookies Atarot industrial zone
Adanim Tea Herbal tea Ofra
Ahva Halva and candy Barkan industrial zone
Bar Haim Food products Edomim I.Z.
Barkan Cellars Wine makers Barkan IZ
Barkan Sweets Candy and Sweets Barkan IZ
BarKat Food products Barkan industrial zone
Beigel & Beigel Pretzel bakery Barkan industrial zone
Better and Different Edomim I.Z.
Cohen Brothers Butchers Atarot industrial zone
Cool Mineral Water(made in France) Imported by SunleaderBarkan industrial zone
Eden Springs Ltd. Mineral water Katzrin IZ (Golan Heights)
Elyon Spices Alphey Menashe
Gilad spices Spices Elon Moreh
Glatt Of Chicken Slaughterhouse Atarot industrial zone
Golan Cheese Various cheeses Katzrin IZ (Golan Heights)
Golan Dairies Milk Products Katzrin IZ (Golan Heights)
Golan Wines Wine makers Katzrin IZ (Golan Heights)
Gold Pie Pie factory Edomim industrial zone
Hacormim Wines Winery Edomim IZ
Hamizrah Wines Winery Edomim IZ
Hebron Wines Winery Qiryat Arba IZ
Jerusalem Granola Granola bars Atarot industrial zone
Klufim Processing of Potatos Edomim I.Z.
Luiza Herbal Tea Alon Moreh
Malosh Borekas Kobi Frozen foods Edomim I.Z.
Migdanot Cookies and bisquits Edomim I.Z.
Negev Yam Chemicals Cleaning products Gush Katif
Of Habira Chicken Edomim I.Z.
Openheimer Chocolate and sweets Atarot industrial zone
Ramat Hagolan Dairy Dairy products Katzrin IZ (Golan Heights)
Shamir Salads Ready made salads Barkan I.Z.
Shomron Meat Meat products Karney Shomron
Soda Club Home soda water devices Edomim I.Z.
Sofrei Ltd. Food production and marketing Edomim I.Z.
Super Class Salads produced for"Hyper-Col" Barkan I.Z
Tekoa Mushrooms Mushrooms Tekoa
Tel Arza Wines Winery Edomim I.Z.
Tohikon Arts & Crafts Mačale Ephraim
Yerek Adom Food products Edomim I.Z.
Zion Wines Winery Edomim IZ
Amgazit Gas equipment Gush Etzion
Arieh Plast Nylon bags Mačale Ephraim IZ
Barkan Metal & Wood furniture Barkan I.Z
Beitili Frniture & carpets Barkan I.Z
Benitex Camping equipment Edomim I.Z.
Daniel Furniture Edomim I.Z.
"Ahava" Dead Sea health products Cosmetics Mitzpe Shalem
Edomim Chemicals Household cleaning products Edomim I.Z.
Flanero Kitchen utensils Gush Etzion
Flick Plastic bags and file folders Mevoh Hama
Hlavin Industies Cosmetics Barkan I.Z.
Hod Tiles Kiryat Arba I.Z.
Hogla Jerusalem Paper stuff Atarot I.Z.
I.S. Illumination Edomim I.Z.
IAT Carpets Edomim I.Z.
InterCosma Cosmetics Atarot I.Z.
Jerusalem Knitworks Uniforms plant Edomim I.Z.
Jerusalem Pencils Pencils Atarot I.Z.
Lipski Plastics Barkan I.Z.
Lital Furniture Edomim I.Z.
Mavrik Shoe polish Edomim I.Z.
Modan Satchels, handbags Shaked
MTV shampoo (Hlavin) Hair shampoo Barkan I.Z
Mul-t-lock Locksmiths and security doors Barkan I.Z.
Ofertex Cleaning rags Barkan I.Z.
Paint li Importers of paintAnd art tools Nili
Pereg Air Conditioning Atarot I.Z.
RabinTex Ltd Textiles and camping equip. Edomim I.Z.
Schem Laboratories Cleaning chemicals Kdumim
Sol Camping Camping equipment Barkan I.Z.
Streicher Uniforms Edomim I.Z.
Super Isra-chom Solar systems Edomim I.Z.
Yardeni Locksmiths Barkan I.Z.
Yerushalmi Industries Ropes Barkan I.Z.
Zivanit Shoes & Sandals Ein Zivan
AGS Toys and Games Beit Horon
Alum-Tal Glass products Edomim I.Z.
Avgol Un woven fabric Barkan I.Z
Aviv Builders Atarot
Aviah Safety equipment Mačale Ephraim I.Z.
Benda Plast Food packing Katzrin I.Z.
Ben-Or Vacuum packing Barkan I.Z.
Ben-Tal Motors Electric motors Merom Golan
Bloko Ltd Printing Dyes Edomim I.Z.
łBuilders of the Fathers TownČ Building blocks Kiryat Arba
Carmigal Ceramics Alphei Menashe I.Z.
Dar-El Printed circuits Ariel
Dotan Leather goods Mevoh Dotan
Edomim Wood mills Edomim I.Z.
Eshkol Publishers Edomim I.Z.
Export books factory Atarot I.Z.
FiberTech Fiberglass pipes Karnei Shomron
Gachelet Aluminum factory Atarot I.Z.
Gelman Science and Technology Atarot I.Z.
Golan Industries Meetal works Bnei Yehuda
Granit 2000 Marble and granite Edomim I.Z.
Green Oil Machine oil Ariel
H. Wegshel Publishers Edomim I.Z.
Haalonim (Oaks) Building blocks Edomim I.Z.
Hagim Electronic Systems Neveh Dekalim
Har-Shefi Packing Beit-El
Hasholsha products, Jerusalem Atarot I.Z.
Herto Textile Industries Edomim I.Z
Irit Silk Screen printing Edomim I.Z.
Isra-Beton Cement industries Atarot I.Z.
Israel United Laundries Atarot I.Z.
IsraVit Plastic and metal works Edomim I.Z.
Kanfei Yona Tannery Edomim I.Z.
Klima Israel Ltd Atarot I.Z.
Lasri Ltd Metal works Edomim I.Z.
Levi Metal and wood works Edomim I.Z.
Mei Zurim Water purification Gush Etzion
Nesarim Wood work production & marketing Atarot I.Z.
Niron Textile threads Emanuel
Optima Edomim I.Z.
Or-Lil Electronics Katzrin I.Z.
Oval Computers Barkan I.Z.
Oval Hospital Equipment Barkan I.Z.v
Plast fiber Plastic products Karnei Shomron
R. N. Ltd Judaica Edomim I.Z.
Ramat Magshimim systems Automation Ramat Magshimim
Readymix industries Cement Edomim I.Z.
Remet Trom Aluminum products Edomim I.Z.
Ronopol Plastic products Barkan I.Z.
Shahaf (Seagull) Metal works Edomim I.Z.
Sherut Packaging products Barkan I.Z.
Shiloh Technologies Edomim I.Z.
Spideshe Ready grown lawn Gilgal
Sprinco Industrial springs Barkan I.Z
Star Auto parts Edomim I.Z.
TAPI Plastics Edomim I.Z.
Technoplast Plastic fittings Barkan I.Z
Tzarfati metal works Edomim I.Z.
Palphot Post cards & Calanders Karnei Shomron
Victory Oil seals Edomim I.Z.
If you are aware of a product or service that are made in the settlements and is not on this list, please notify "Gush Shalom."