" a picture of the Sea Goat. There is no prototype of this strange creature, the front half of which is a goat and the rear half a fish! But that is precisely what Capricornus is! What does it mean? The goat is in a fallen position with one leg doubled under his body: the head is bent forward and he is in a dying situation. On the other hand, the tail of the fish is vigorous and living. We have here a beautiful picture of what Christ accomplished by his death and that He brings forth out of His death the living body of the Church—referred to in Scripture as 'fishes'." - D. James Kennedy (902:56)
"In Capricorn, Aquarius...we see the Church Age. The head of the goat, the body of the fish—Jesus is the sacrificial goat and out of the head of the fish comes the body which is the Church, the symbol of the fish. And then, of course, there's Aquarius pouring out the Holy Spirit. That's the day of Pentecost." - J.R. Church (1053)
"Sophocles also has Pan as the sea wanderer, roaming the seas, and the conch shell can replace the pipes in some tales... Is Pan the archetype of the sign of Capricorn, the Sea-Goat, half-Goat, half fish." (The Great God Pan, 313)
D. James Kennedy's irreverent portrayal of the Lord Jesus Christ as the various mythological beasts and four-footed creatures of the Zodiac ought to have caused a groundswell of outrage and protest in the Christian community. The reality is, however, that many professing Christians have accepted these blasphemous teachings as Biblical. In this zodiacal sign, Kennedy states that Capricorn, the Sea Goat, is a beautiful picture of Jesus Christ. To the contrary, the Sea Goat is a representation of Pan, the god of nature whose worship is first recorded in Arcadia around 6 B.C., which significantly predates the Tower of Babel, when Dr. Kennedy avers the Zodiac was corrupted from its pristine original form as God's protevangelium to the world.
"A Greek god with the physique, not of a Greek god, but of a small man with a goatee beard and reed pipes, and the hind-quarters, horns and sexual habits of a goat...having been first worshipped in Arcadia, where he was certainly being worshipped as early as the 6th century BC. This fertile plateau lies in the South of modern Greece, and there lived the pastoral ancestors of the heroes who later built the Greek empire. Pan was born there, on Mount Lycaeum..." (1054)
Arcadia was the ancient home of the Sicambrian Franks, the ethnic group from which the Merovingians emerged. Some New Age websites like those cited here are even dedicated to Pan, replete with prayers and poems to this god of lust:
"Capricorn is often depicted as the 'sea goat' from the myth of Pan, the horned woodland god of goats and shepherds. The bearded and 'horny' Pan was one of the satyrs, half-human and half-beast, known for their voracious sexual appetites (origin of the word 'satyriasis'). According to one version of the myth, Pan, fleeing from the beast Typhon, jumped into a river just as he was transforming himself into a fish. The lower half of his body became fishlike, but his upper body above the water remained in the form of a goat." (1007)
Christian rumors of the death of the Great God Pan are greatly exaggerated declared Blavatsky who predicted that Pan will rise again: "There is a well-known pious legend which has been current in the Christian world ever since the day of Tiberias, to the effect that the 'great god Pan is dead'. But people are greatly mistaken in this; neither nature nor any of her Forces can ever die. A few of these may be left unused, and being forgotten lie dormant for long centuries. But no sooner are the proper conditions furnished than they awake to act again with tenfold power." (316:246)
And so the truth about Capricorn, the Sea Goat, is more available in New Age writings than in the alleged 'gospel in the stars' publications. One famous British occultist, Aleister 'The Beast' Crowley, displayed the sea-goat on his personal seal and also wrote a hymn in adoration of the goat god, Pan. What did Crowley have in mind? Kenneth Grant, the Grand Master of the Ordo Templis Orientalis (OTO), the organization once directed by Crowley in Great Britain, indicates that Crowley's seal conveyed the dark origins of the Merovingian race.
"...the Merovingian race was sired by a water beast known as the Quinotaur. This Quinotaur took the form of a sea-bull. Crowley's personal seal was of a sea goat. Grant, writing of Crowley's Seal of the Beast, says: 'The beast is the sea-goat or amphibious monster identical with Cthulhu, the Quinotaure or Bull of the Deep.' Grant writes as a footnote; 'The waters under the earth; home of the 'ancestors' or subconscious atavisms of the race.' Is this a reference to the race of the Grail?" (923)
Pan, the lusty god, was also called Pallas, whom Laurence Gardner identified in Bloodline of the Holy Grail as the progenitor of the Merovingian race of Grail Kings. As Robert Graves stated in The White Goddess, "The Lusty God--call him Hercules or Hermes or Pan or Pallas or Pales or Mamurius or Neptune or Priapus or whatever you please..." (406:357)
"Despite the carefully listed genealogies of his time, the heritage of Meroveus was strangely obscured in the monastic annals. Although the rightful son of Clodion, he was nonetheless said by the historian Priscus to have been sired by an arcane sea creature, the Bistea Neptunis... The Sicambrian Franks, from whose female line the Merovingians emerged were associated with Grecian Arcadia before migrating to the Rhineland. As we have seen, they called themselves the Newmage — 'People of the New Covenant', just as the Essenes of Qumran had once been known. It was the Arcadian legacy that was responsible for the mysterious sea beast — the Bistea Neptunis — as symbolically defined in the Merovingian ancestry. The relevant sea-lord was King Pallas, a god of old Arcadia... The immortal sea-lord was said to be 'ever-incarnate in a dynasty of ancient kings' whose symbol was a fish - as was the traditional symbol of Jesus." (29:166,175)
And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? - Rev. 13:1-4
Pagans viewed the creator god as coming forth from the cosmic sea to establish the earth. The Greek Pan/Pallas was also the god Saturn or Chronos worshipped by the ancient Romans, Egyptians, and Palestinians as the "beast out of the sea". In mythology, the planetary god, Saturn, emerged from the cosmic sea as the serpent who rescued the world following the chaos of Genesis 1. According to legend, Saturn founded the utopian kingdom of Atlantis and became the divine ancestor of all earthly patriarchs and kings. Another Golden Age is anticipated at which time the demonic gods of Atlantis will return to earth to initiate mankind into the ancient wisdom and transform the human race into gods. At this time, Saturn (Satan) - aka Chronos, Pan - will rise from the bottomless pit (Hell) to incarnate the false Christ/Messiah of the world religion in the occult's false millennium. The following is a brief overview of the history of the beast out of the cosmic sea.
The Nephilim: Race of the Grail
According to Dagobert's Revenge Magazine, which "is resolutely heralding the renaissance of the Arcadian Mystique," the 'Cult of the Goat' began with the star system, Capricorn, which worshipped Enki, a prototype of Satan, who was, in occult lore, the consort of Eve. This being an impossibility according to Genesis 4:1, the Anunnaki were the fallen angels (Nephilim) that descended to earth two chapters later. And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose...There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. (Gen. 6:1,4)
These giants were the hybrid offspring of the demons who had mated with human women and they ruled the ancient pre-Flood civilization. Kenneth Grant calls them the Great Old Ones or Ancient Ones. "The 'Grail Blood' and the 'bloodline of the Great Old Ones' are the same thing. They are also the same as the sea-monsters such as Leviathan and Dagon, the 'Lords of the Deep' and gods of the 'Underworld' or Abyss recorded in the legends of every ancient culture." (923) One of these sea monsters was worshipped by the Philistines as Dagon, who apparently survived the Flood, according to Tracy Twyman's article, "Dead But Dreaming: The Great Old Ones of Lovecraftian Legend Reinterpreted as Sumerian/Atlantean Kings."
"...Dagon or Oannes, a half-human, half-fish combination who was known as the 'Lord of the Flood',...was said to rise out of the sea every day to teach his secret knowledge to those who followed him. He is mentioned in Samuel, Chapter 5, when the Philistines capture the Ark of the Covenant and place it in the Temple of Dagon. Two nights later, 'Dagon was fallen upon is face to the ground before the Ark of the Lord; and the head of Dagon and both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the threshold; only the stump of Dagon was left to him.' It is this character upon which Satan or Lucifer is based, but the physical description attributed to him applied to an entire race of 'gods', or as they were described in the Bible, Nephilim, or Fallen Angels, the 'Great Old Ones'..." (923)
Twyman is the editor of Dagobert's Revenge Magazine. The Ancient Ones, as Twyman calls them, took the form of dogs, dragons, or goats, depending on the star system in the cosmic sea whence they came.
"The Ancient Ones, for their part, seem to be associated both with the Abyss, or underground sea, and with the constellations as well. This is not a contradiction if one takes into account the fact that ancient man considered the sky itself to be a cosmic ocean, and it was often called 'The Abyss' as well. There seem to be three star systems in particular that the Ancient Ones are associated with which have given birth to what Abdul Alhazred describes as: 'The Cult of the Dog, the Cult of the Dragon, and the Cult of the Goat'...corresponding to the stars Draconis (the Dragon), Sirius (the Dog-Star), and Capricorn, (the Goat), which is oddly based on Enki, the prototype of Satan, whom Abdul is calling an 'Elder God.''" (923)
"As above, so below." Kenneth Grant elucidates the dualistic concept of good and evil in terms of the Hermetic axiom: "the waters beneath the earth that mirror in their uncertain depths the heights of space above the earth wherein glow the stars, the unborn or un-fleshed souls of future states of consciousness, or simply life beyond earth. The mortal world spreads east and west and the land of le invisibles lies above and below it in the vertical dimensions of height and depths, north and south, Horus and Set.' This ties in with the Book of Enoch and the Hosts above and the fallen, banished Nephilim below. This also reminds us of the twins or brother gods in Sumeria called Enki and Enlil. Enki, the infernal of the two, represents Set and Enlil represents Horus" (923)
The Nephilim from the star system Capricorn were giant sea monsters--half-man, half-fish with the horns of a goat--which ruled over the pre-Flood civilization called Atlantis.
"...the Nephilim, who, according to our research, were real flesh-and-blood beings, and ruled as the antediluvian kings of the ancient world over a global kingdom whose capitol was Atlantis. As they were an expert sea-faring people—navigators—they were also depicted as sea gods, half-man, half-fish, and with the horns of a goat.
"H.P. Lovecraft's most quintessential work, 'The Call of Cthulhu'...comes from the Book of Enoch, the Nephilim story in Genesis, and the universal tale of the fall of Atlantis. ...the remains of a high civilization of sea-faring, ocean-obsessed exactly what Atlantis is described as being, and...their kings, or 'gods' were depicted as half-man, half-fish." (923)
According to Dagobert's Revenge, it was Enki (Set or Satan) who sired the Merovingian race; moreover, the head of Capricorn, the Makaru, may be a form of Merovee, progenitor of the Grail kings, who are successive incarnations of the beast out of the cosmic sea:
"The Nephilim were banished to the center of the earth for disobeying God by mating with the daughters of men and teaching them the 'forbidden' arts. In this publication the Nephilim have been identified as the Fathers of the Merovingians...
"...Writing of the Great Old Ones or Elder Gods from Lovecraftian lore, Grant says, 'The letter M, the key vibration of the plane of the Elder Gods, is represented mythologically as the sea-goat, Makaru or as the crocodile, the beast of the waters.' Couldn't Makaru be a form of Merovee who spawned the Merovingians, and was sired himself from a sea-bull? Tracy Twyman has already written of the connections between Lovecraft's Necronomicon Mythos and the Merovingians in her article Dead But Dreaming: The Great Old Ones of Lovecraftian Legend Reinterpreted as Sumerian/Atlantean Kings..." (571)
Mount Hermon/Sion
The Book of Enoch is a pseudepigraphical book (a work that claims to have been authored by a biblical character) which was translated into English in 1821 by a professor at Oxford University. The story of the fallen angels, which is related in great detail in chapters 6-8 of the Book of Enoch, includes "[a] curious reference in Enoch VI.6, [which] says that...the wicked angels descended on the summit of the mountain and named it Hermon." (170:372)
"And the angels, the children of heaven, saw them [handsome and beautiful daughters] and desired them... And they were altogether two hundred; and they descended into Ardos, which is the summit of Hermon. And they called the mount Armon, for they swore and bound one another by a curse." 251:15 [I Enoch VI.6, vs.1-5]
"Hittite and biblical records support the use of Hermon as a dwelling place of gods...Baal-gad...and Baal-hermon..." (252:158) ["Hermon, Mount"]
And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight. - Num. 13:33
"Throughout history, the idea of 'The Watchers' have been found in Sumeria, Peru, Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Greece. "Sumerian texts repeatedly state that the Anunnaki came to Earth. The Anunnaki were four great Gods who created man: An ['Sky', the source of rain and most powerful of the gods]; Enlil ['Lord Wind', the power in 'Growing Weather']; Ninhursaga ['Lady of the Stony Ground', mother of wildlife]; and Enki [rival of Ninhursaga]. The term 'Anunnaki' literally means 'from or of the sky.' The Annunaki are regarded by some as the Sumerian ‘fates’. 'They are spoken of in the Bible as the 'Anakim' and 'Anak' or 'Nefilim' (nephilum). 'Nefilim' (nephilum) in Hebrew means 'giants' or 'those who have fallen'. For reference I offer: The King James Bible; Young's Literal translation; HSV (Hebrew Names version); ASV (American Standard version) and RSV (Revised Standard version). Numbers 13:22, 28 & 33; Deu 1:28, 9:2... "The Watchers were a specific race of divine beings known in Hebrew as 'nun resh ayin' or 'irin' meaning 'those who watch' or 'those who are awake', which is translated into Greek as Egrhgoroi egregoris or grigori, meaning 'watchers'. The early books of the Bible speak of some vague heavenly beings called malochim (singular, malach). Although malach is usually translated 'angel', its literal meaning is 'messenger.' "As recounted in the Dead Sea Scrolls: '.....In the days of Jared', two hundred Watchers 'descended' on 'Ardis', the summit of Mount Hermon - a mythical location equated with the triple peak of Jebel esh Sheikh (9,200 feet), placed in the most northerly region of ancient Palestine. On this mountain the Watchers swear an oath and bind themselves by 'mutual imprecations', apparently knowing full well the consequences their actions will have both for themselves and for humanity as a whole. It is a pact commemorated in the name given to the place of their 'fall', for in Hebrew the word Hermon, or harem, translates as 'curse'." - 859
Strong's Concordance: Hermon: #2768
- to ban, devote, destroy utterly, completely destroy, dedicate for destruction, exterminate
- (Hiphil)
- to prohibit (for common use), ban
- to consecrate, devote, dedicate for destruction
- to exterminate, completely destroy
- (Hophal)
- to be put under the ban, be devoted to destruction
- to be devoted, be forfeited
- to be completely destroyed
- to split, slit, mutilate (a part of the body)
- (Qal) to mutilate
- (Hiphil) to divide
It is interesting that Dagobert's Revenge views Mount Hermon as the location of Paradise. "The Nephilim are described as descending from 'Mount Hermon', yet more evidence that Paradise was located atop a sacred mountain." (860)
Laurence Gardiner identified Capricorn as the emblem of Ham, the rebellious son of Noah: "...the traditional goat of Capricorn (an emblem of the Biblical Ham and the Grail succession) was denounced as a heresy of witchcraft." (348:203) The son of Ham was Canaan, who was cursed by Noah. Is it possible that Canaan was named after Cain? Did Ham carry forward the Grail succession, as Gardiner's statement seems to indicate?
Following the Great Flood, the inhabitants of the land of Canaan established a center for the worship of Pan, which was Baal-worship, in the northern part of what later became Israel. This area was known as Paneas or Banias in the region of Mount Hermon, named after the Egyptian demi-god, Hermes.
"From ancient times the mountain was a place of worship where the god H[ermon] (perhaps called Baal-Hermon) was venerated. The oldest text concerning this cult is a treaty between the Hittites and the Amorite, Aziru, which dates from 1350 B.C. As late as the 4th century, temples were built on the slopes of H[ermon] whose ruins are still to be seen, among other places, on the highest summit." - (400:987)
"The town of Paneas is first mentioned by a Roman historian, Polivius, as a site of the battle in 200 B.C.E. between Egyptian Ptolemid and Syrian Seleucid Greeks. It was a site of a Greek pagan temple dedicated to Pan, a goat-footed god of music and goatherds." (327)
"The Cave of Pan, which dominates the foot of Mount Hermon at Banias, was known as the passageway to Hades (Mt. 16:13-18)." - (329)
"The cave, known as the cave of Pan, was considered the dwelling place of Pan." (328)
Upon their entrance into the Land of Promise, God commanded the Israelites to utterly destroy the inhabitants of Canaan, lest they take up their worship of these abominable gods:
But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth: But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee: That they teach you not to do after all their abominations, which they have done unto their gods; so should ye sin against the LORD your God. (Deut. 16:18)
Now Joshua was old and stricken in years; and the LORD said unto him, Thou art old and stricken in years, and there remaineth yet very much land to be possessed. This is the land that yet remaineth:...the land of the Giblites, and all Lebanon, toward the sunrising, from Baalgad under mount Hermon unto the entering into Hamath. (Joshua 13:5)
The tribe of Dan had relocated from its assigned territory along the seacoast to the northernmost part of Israel, to the area of Mount Hermon, also called Mount Sion, which had previously the Canannite center for Baal worship. There the tribe of Dan adopted the pre-flood paganism [Baal worship] of the Canaanites, the descendants of Ham and his son, Canaan, who occupied the northern area of Palestine at Mt. Hermon/Sion, which is located at the 33rd degree latitude and longitude with reference to the Paris Zero Meridian.
And of Dan he said, Dan is a lion's whelp: he shall leap from Bashan. Deuteronomy 33:22
And the coast of the children of Dan went out too little for them: therefore the children of Dan went up to fight against Leshem, and took it, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and possessed it, and dwelt therein, and called Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan their father. This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Dan according to their families, these cities with their villages. Joshua 19:47-48
And they called the name of the city Dan, after the name of Dan their father, who was born unto Israel: howbeit the name of the city was Laish at the first. Judges 18:29
"It was first a Canaanite sanctuary for the worship of Baal; perhaps Baal-Hermon (Judg.3:3; I Chron. 5:23]. It was called by the Greeks Paneas because of its cavern. . .dedicated to the worship of the god Pan." (299:91)
Tragically, Mount Hermon became to be associated with King Solomon, who was a worshipper of Baal/Ashtoreth.
Come with me from Lebanon, my spouse, with me from Lebanon: look from the top of Amana, from the top of Shenir and Hermon, from the lions' dens, from the mountains of the leopards. - Song of Solomon 4:8
And the high places that were before Jerusalem, which were on the right hand of the mount of corruption, which Solomon the king of Israel had builded for Ashtoreth the abomination of the Zidonians, and for Chemosh the abomination of the Moabites, and for Milcom the abomination of the children of Ammon, did the king [Josiah] defile. - II Kings 23:013
Israel became a divided nation when the 10 northern tribes led by the tribe of Dan instituted the worship of Baal at Mount Hermon/Sion in revolt against God who had appointed the Temple on Mount Zion in Jerusalem for his worship. (I Kings 12) "Ye shall not do so unto the LORD your God. But unto the place which the LORD your God shall choose out of all your tribes to put his name there, even unto his habitation shall ye seek, and thither thou shalt come..." (Deut. 12:4,5)
So Israel rebelled against the house of David unto this day. And it came to pass, when all Israel heard that Jeroboam was come again, that they sent and called him unto the congregation, and made him king over all Israel: there was none that followed the house of David, but the tribe of Judah only... Then Jeroboam built Shechem in mount Ephraim, and dwelt therein; and went out from thence, and built Penuel. And Jeroboam said in his heart, Now shall the kingdom return to the house of David: If this people go up to do sacrifice in the house of the LORD at Jerusalem, then shall the heart of this people turn again unto their lord, even unto Rehoboam king of Judah, and they shall kill me, and go again to Rehoboam king of Judah. Whereupon the king took counsel, and made two calves of gold, and said unto them, It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem: behold thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. And he set the one in Bethel, and the other put he in Dan. And this thing became a sin: for the people went to worship before the one, even unto Dan. And he made an house of high places, and made priests of the lowest of the people, which were not of the sons of Levi. And Jeroboam ordained a feast in the eighth month, on the fifteenth day of the month, like unto the feast that is in Judah, and he offered upon the altar. So did he in Bethel, sacrificing unto the calves that he had made: and he placed in Bethel the priests of the high places which he had made. So he offered upon the altar which he had made in Bethel the fifteenth day of the eighth month, even in the month which he had devised of his own heart; and ordained a feast unto the children of Israel: and he offered upon the altar, and burnt incense. (I King 12:19-20,25-33)
The origins of the Merovingians/Prieuré de Sion may be traced to Mount Hermon/Sion where the Knights Templar established a base during their occupation of Jerusalem. An article by Sandy Hamblett in The Journal of the Rennes Alchemist,"Godfrey de Bouillon’s Templar Knights, Mount Sion and the Essenes," associates Mount Hermon/Sion with the monastic Essene community at Qumran as well:
"When Godfrey liberated the Holy Sepulchre in 1099 he set up base at a place called Mount Sion. Here, the Crusaders are said to have fortified the area with towers and battlements. Also based here was the Church of the Apostles. This article looks at Godfrey’s presence here and why this specific site may have been important to him and the other Crusader Knights. The amazing identification of this site with an Essene settlement at the time of Jesus adds fuel to the suggestions that the Templars may have been looking for specific knowledge once they had control of the Holy Places." (985)
Laurence Gardner wrote of the Essenes as the antecedents of "The Sicambrian Franks, from whose female line the Merovingians emerged were associated with Grecian Arcadia before migrating to the Rhineland. As we have seen, they called themselves the Newmage — 'People of the New Covenant', just as the Essenes of Qumran had once been known." (29:166,175) Symbols of the goat-god Pan and the Merovingians include the Unicorn and the Baphomet:
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"The unicorn is the direct descendant of Capricorn and Pan..." (405) "Capricorn, the goat, Baphomet and the Goat of Mendes, the symbol of Satanism and the Templars..." (907:155) |
The origins of the Prieuré de Sion are found in 1st century Alexandria, Egypt, where esoteric Christianity and paganism were synthesized. The Society of Ormus in Alexandria consisted of the Therapeutae of Alexandria and the Essenes of Qumran; Ormus became the Prieuré de Sion, the secret society behind the creation of the Knights Templar and the Crusades.
"The foundation of the Priory can be traced back allegedly to the gnostic adept Ormus who lived in the first century C.E.... He formed a secret society which united esoteric Christianity with the teachings of the pagan mystery schools. Ormus adopted as his symbol a cross surmounted by a roseto signify the synthesis of the new and old religions. ...Ormus, the legendary first century founder of the secret society which became the Priory of Sion lived in Alexandria." - 25:31, 142
"Ormus...[was] the name allegedly adopted by the Prieuré de Sion between 1188 and 1307.
"One is intended to see in Ormus the origins of the so-called Rose-Croix, or Rosicrucians. And in 1188 the Prieuré de Sion is said to have adopted a second subtitle in addition to Ormus. It is said to have called itself L'Ordre de la Rose-Croix Veritas..." - 31:185,123
Robert Graves wrote in The White Goddess that the ancient sun gods were reborn during the sign of Capricorn, which may explain why the Prieuré de Sion elects its Grand Masters in the month of January under that sign.
"The tradition preserved by Hyginus in his Poetic Astronomy, shows that Zeus was born at midwinter when the Sun entered the House of Capricorn.... That the Sun-gods Dionysus, Apollo, and Mithras were all also reputedly reborn at the Winter Solstice is well-known. And the Christian Church first fixed the Nativity feast of Jesus Christ at the same season, in the year A.D. 273. St. Chrysostom, a century later...justified the date as suitable for one who was the 'Sun of Righteousness'." (406:319)
"Le Serpent Rouge is a singular work. It contains...a sign of the zodiac—a zodiac of thirteen signs, with the thirteenth, Ophiuchus or the Serpent Holder, inserted between Scorpio and Sagittarius. Narrated in the first person, the thirteen prose poems are a type of symbolic or allegorical pilgrimage, commencing with Aquarius and ending with Capricorn—which, as the text explicitly states, presides over January 17." (Holy Blood, Holy Grail) (31:101-2)
Mount Sion/Hermon appears to be the Merovingians' destination point, where they intend to establish the universal worship of Pan/Baal. The rebuilding of the temple on Mount Zion in Jerusalem is a diversionary tactic to conceal the true plan and to win Jewish and Evangelical support (including $$$) to fund their long march toward Mount Sion. The Merovingians will attempt to build Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, however the earthquake foretold in Rev. 11:13 will justify their abandonment of Jerusalem in order to build a temple at Dan dedicated to Pallas, the Greek sea-beast (Rev.13:1).
Interestingly, the name of 'Palestine' is derived from the Greco-Roman god named Pallas/Pales (Pan). However, Israel is named after God (Elohim). (II Chron. 7:14; Is. 43:7) Those who renamed Israel as Palestine, did so in order to glorify the Greek phallic god, Pales/Pan, rather than the true God of Israel. See: The Mark of the Beast and Israel Regathered.
Capricorn & Cancer: Gates of the Gods
The world has not seen the last of the Nephilim, for these demonic creatures are marking time in the Underworld anticipating another opportunity to return to earth and reestablish their global kingdom.
"Because of the pride and destructive behavior of the Great Old Ones, their empire city, R'lyeh, sank beneath the ocean in some punishment by natural disaster mercifully imposed by God. It is also what is said about the Nephilim in the Bible, who, along with their offspring, are destroyed by god via the Flood of Noah. The fact that the Great Old Ones are lead by a being called 'Cthulhu' is significant, for 'Thule' is another name for Atlantis, and the Nazis believed that it was literally located inside the Earth, in the 'Underworld', in which was located the city of 'Agartha' or 'Agade', the Abode of the Gods. The Hollow Earth, or Underworld seems to be the place where R'lyeh ultimately sank to, where Cthulhu and the rest of the Great Old Ones now remain, sleeping in their watery tomb, 'Dead but dreaming', as Lovecraft now describes it, waiting for the day when they will awaken, their city rise from the waves, and their empire shall once again hold dominion over the whole earth. This echoes the story of the Watchers or the Nephilim, who are imprisoned by God inside the Earth, or 'the Abyss', which was a word used by the Ancients to describe the ocean." (923)
And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. - Rev. 9:1-3
"The theme of the subterranean Lord, imprisoned in the Underworld, who will one day awaken from his death-like slumber to reclaim his kingdom is, as we have established in other articles, a very common archetype, most notable in the form of Kronos, called 'The Forgotten Father' and 'The Hidden One', the leader of the Titans, and the king of Atlantis, whose kingdom was cast down into the Abyss, and who was imprisoned therein, thereafter known as the Dark Lord of the Underworld. And there is clearly an etymological connection between 'Titan' and 'Teitan', otherwise spelled 'Satan.' The Titans, or Satans, and the Nephilim are clearly the same as the Great Old Ones, and Kronos, otherwise known as Saturn, or Satan, is clearly the same as Cthulhu. As we have established, he is also synonymous with Dagon or Oannes, who is referred to in the Bible as Leviathan, the beast who will rise from the sea at the Apocalypse. The return of Cthulhu, the Great Old Ones, and the city of R'lyeh would appear to be Lovecraft's way of depicting the Apocalypse." (923)
And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. - Rev. 13:1-2
Blavatsky informed us that Capricorn, whose hind part was the Dolphin, which is, in fact, Neptune, the mysterious sea beast who sired Merovee, was associated with the birth of the 'spiritual microcosm' and the death of the physical Universe:
"...the tenth sign of the [Indian] Zodiac has been taken variously to mean a shark, a dolphin, etc... The dolphin was the vehicle of Poseidon-Neptune with the Greeks, and one with him, esoterically; and this 'dolphin' is the 'sea-dragon' as much as the Crocodile of the Sacred Nile is the vehicle of Horus, and Horus himself...
"...The Dolphin, as every mythologist knows, was placed for his service by Poseidon among the constellations, and became with the Greeks... Capricornus, the goat, whose hind part is that of a dolphin, thus shown to be identical with Makara, whose head is also that of an antelope and the body and tail those of a fish.
"Let us close by reminding the reader that goats were sacrificed to Amphrite and the Nerieds on the seashore...and by suggesting what connection these animals may have with Capricornus, in which appear twenty-eight stars in the form of a goat, which goat was transformed by the Greeks into Amalthea, Jupiter's foster mother. Pan, the god of Nature, had goat's feet, and changed himself into a goat at the approach of Typhon...
"Suffice it to say, that...the sign of Makara is connected with the birth of the spiritual 'microcosm' and the death or dissolution of the physical Universe (its passage into the realm of the Spiritual)..." (H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine) (209:577-9)
According to Blavatsky, the 'sacred crocodile' which abides in Capricorn is really the Dragon of Wisdom, who transforms earth-bound men into spiritual beings:
"The Fifth [Hierarchy of Spirits] is a very mysterious one, as it is connected with the Microcosmic Pentagon, the five-pointed star representing man. In India and Egypt these Dhyanis were connected with the Crocodile, and their abode is in Capricornus. These are convertible terms in Indian astrology, as this (tenth) sign of the Zodiac is called Makara, loosely translated 'crocodile.' The word itself is occultly interpreted in in various ways... In Egypt, the defunct man—whose symbol is the pentagram or the five-pointed star, the points of which represent the limbs of a man—was shown emblematically transformed into a crocodile: Sebekh or Sevekh, or 'seventh,' a dragon in reality, not a crocodile. He is the 'Dragon of Wisdom' or Manas, the 'Human Soul,' Mind, the Intelligent principle..." (H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine) (209:219, Vol. I)
Traditionally, when the Sun was in Capricorn, the Microcosm (initiate) passed through Capricorn on its journey toward reunion with with the Macrocosm (Lucifer). When the Sun was in Cancer, "Christ" souls from other star systems descended into matter to assist mankind, the Microcosm, to ascend to the Macrocosm where they become Gods.
"Esoterically speaking, John and Jesus, born at the poles of the year, symbolise our two natures, mortal and immortal, like Castor and Pollux. The soul descends into matter in John's sign, Cancer, home of the Crib and the Asses, and journeys back to its source through Capricorn, the sign of Christ and the winter solstice." (Ean Begg, The Cult of the Black Virgin) (272:125)
Albert Pike explained in Morals & Dogma that in the Age of Pisces, due to the precession of the equinoxes, the Gates of the Gods became Gemini and Sagittarius:
"The Galaxy, Macrobius says, crosses the Zodiac in two opposite points, Cancer and Capricorn, the tropical points in the sun's course, ordinarily called the Gates of the Sun. These two tropics, before his time [Aries], corresponded with those constellations, but in his day [Pisces] with Gemini and Sagittarius, in consequence of the precession of the equinoxes; but the signs of the Zodiac remained unchanged; and the Milky Way crossed at the signs Cancer and Capricorn, though not at those constellations.
"Through these gates souls were supposed to descend to earth and re-ascend to Heaven. One, Macrobius says, in his dream of Scipio, was styled the Gate of Men; and the other, the Gate of the Gods. Cancer was the former, because souls descended by it to the earth; and Capricorn the latter, because by it they re-ascended to their seats of immortality, and became Gods." (155:437-8)